Ish is an absolute clown. Don’t believe or trust him. Owes us money for over a year. Hopefully the other locations figure-out how to distance themselves.(How’d your hearing for Westwood go?)
Credit Score Calculation Debug Log: Initial credit score from post meta: 0 Starting credit score: 70 Rating 1: -30 Rating 1: -30 Fetched license status: Active License Status: Active: no change applied, score remains: 10 _credit-adjustment2: -20 applied, new score: -10 No _interaction-date found. Score multiplied by random value 1.0136: -10.136 Business Status: Active: no change Final adjusted score (clamped to 0-100 and rounded): 0
terrible, don’t give them product and don’t plan on getting paid.
Ish is an absolute clown. Don’t believe or trust him. Owes us money for over a year. Hopefully the other locations figure-out how to distance themselves.(How’d your hearing for Westwood go?)